What is Free Kinder?
As a result, families can expect to save up to $2500 over the calendar year for each child enrolled in a funded kindergarten program.
Free Kinder is a critical part of the Victorian Government’s 'Best Start, Best Life' reform to provide access to two years of quality kinder before children start primary school.

Free Kinder FAQs
Free Kinder eligibility – who is eligible?
All families with a child enrolled in a funded kindergarten program are eligible for the Free Kinder program.
This includes families who attend either our integrated kindergarten (through long day care) or sessional kindergarten programs.
If your child is turning three or four-years-old by 30 April 2024 they are eligible for Free Kinder.
When does Free Kinder start?
Free Kinder started in 2023 and continues in 2024.
From 2025, Four-Year-Old Kindergarten will gradually transition to Pre-Prep, with programs across Victoria increasing from 15 to 30 hours each week by 2032.
How does Free Kinder work?
The Victorian Government provides Free Kinder funding directly to service providers (like the Y), not directly to families. We then pass the funding to you as a reduction in your fees.
Is Free Kinder available at Y Victoria?
Yes. Free kindergarten is available at all Victorian early learning centres, including ours! We offer free kindergarten for both our integrated kindergarten and sessional kindergarten programs.
Integrated kindergarten
Integrated kindergarten programs provide a funded kindergarten program within a long day care service. For these programs, the Victorian Government will provide Free Kinder payments up to a value of $2000. This program is offered at all our centres within Victoria.
Sessional kindergarten
Sessional kindergarten operates for a few hours over set days and times and does not include access to long day care. This program is only offered at our Truganina, Derrimut and Lightning Reef services. Families who attend a sessional kindergarten program will not have to pay any fees for sessional kindergarten.
How do I get Free Kinder with Y Victoria?
If your child is three or four years old and attends kindergarten at one of our early learning centres, you'll be eligible for Free Kinder funding and should contact your early learning centre for instructions on how to apply.
Once you’re enrolled, we'll pass the Free Kinder funding to you as a weekly credit of $50.00 on your statement.
This is because our kinder programs run for 40 weeks during term time, so we spread out the total amount of funding ($2000) into 40 equal payments of $50.00 across the year.
Kinder programs don't run during the school holidays, so you won’t see a credit on your statement during that time. However, your child can still attend day care.
What if my child attends more than one kinder service?
Families can only receive Free Kinder funding for one service at any one time. If a child attends multiple services that offer a Victorian Government funded free kindergarten program, families must specify the service they wish to claim.
For example, if your child attends sessional kindergarten for some days and kindergarten within a long day care service on other days, you must nominate which service you wish to receive Free Kinder funding from.
Families can receive funding for one year in a three-year-old kindergarten program and one year in a four-year-old kindergarten program.
What if I have more than one child enrolled?
Free Kinder is available in Victoria for each child you have enrolled in a kindergarten program. This means you could save up to $2500 per child each year.
Find a free kindergarten near you
Find a free kindergarten program at one of our 17 Early Learning Centres across Victoria. We're also located at Happy Days Macarthur Square in NSW.
All of our centres are safe and supportive spaces dedicated to providing high quality kindergarten programs.